Things I Like This Week (Feb 15)

With no particular agenda or reason, here’s what I’m digging right now.

1. This Cover

I’ve been yelling about the Wood Brothers for a couple years, but I just stumbled across this Jam in the Van video. Quite pleasing to the ear, in my opinion. I occasionally wish I was Jano Rix.

2. This Guy’s Rules for Life

They read in a strangely pleasing way; a subtle balance of humor and earnestness, and they come across as suggestions, not commands. My favorites are:

Assume your temperament will always be somewhat childish and impatient, and set your rules accordingly, knowing that you cannot abide by rules for rules sake.  Hope to leverage your impatience toward your longer-run advantage.


When shooting the basketball, give it more arc than you think is necessary.  Consistently.

Something to think about.

3. Nikko

We brought home this little polar bear a week and a half ago, and he is as fun as he is fluffy. He’s even worth waking up in the middle of the night a few times to take him outside, which we have to do, because he’s a baby. I don’t mind it. Perhaps this is how people feel about human babies.