A Collection of Thoughts to Ponder

Yesterday I came across a blog post from an online acquaintance – let’s say friend of a friend of a friend – that amounted to a collection of thoughts on life. Usually I’d read a few and move along to more samoyed pics, but this one was so good it made me stop and read the whole list, twice. It’s written by author James Rozoff and contains some great, concise little nuggets, like:

Such is the world we live in that calling someone an animal is an insult, while calling them a machine is a compliment.

No society has ever been destroyed by giving too much to its poor.

What kind of world are we living in that a corporation is given the rights of a person but not an unborn child?

We have to believe in free will, we have no other choice.

Whoever dies with the most toys, dies a child.

Take a break from the videos That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity and check out the full post here. It’s worth a few minutes.