Something’s in the Works

Dear team,

I hope this note finds you well. I wanted to write you to give you an update on things, because as you may have noticed, not much has been happening on the ol’ blog lately. “Well Sam,” you might say, “is that because you’ve been ignoring us?” And the answer is yes, but I assure you it’s for a good cause. The reason I haven’t written much here lately is because I’ve been focusing on my next book. Yep, another book is coming! WOOOHOOOO!!!!KHS:DC&$(&%^^%&%$&FSDF&%^$##!!!!!!!! KARATEKICK!!! EXPLOSIONNNNNNNNN!!!WER(*&($*(*^$@#$@#$!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. Deep breaths. But seriously, I’m excited about it – the title is still in the works, but the book is going to be a collection of blog-style musings that will probably tickle the hell out of your fancy. It’ll include some of my best topics, as well as forthcoming gems such as “Confessions of a WiFi Thief,” “The Road to Branson, Missouri,” and “A Message to the Guy Who Leaves His Cart in the Middle of the Grocery Store Parking Lot.”

The plan is to get it launched by early next year, and I’ll of course keep you posted. But if I neglect the blog a little in the coming months, forgive me – I’m probably holed up in a damp basement room, pounding away at a keyboard under the dim light of a single exposed overhead bulb. Water is dripping somewhere and I likely have a blanket over my shoulders and some sort of chocolate bar half-eaten by my side. I’m either insane or 80 years old.

Anyway, it’ll be worth it.

Warmest regards,



  1. beverly
    October 12, 2012

    Can’t wait to read the new book – Go Sam!!!

  2. Dyanne@TravelnLass
    October 13, 2012

    I look forward to most any string of mots you eventually deign to feed us. 😉

  3. Steve Brown
    October 14, 2012

    Good work!

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